InterDrone 2018

Creating a Public Safety DRONE Training Program (Room Palma)

06 Sep 18
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Tracks: Public Safety

Developing a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) training program for public safety brings with it technical and tactical challenges. A comprehensive training program must address evolving rules and regulations for the use of sUAS, expanding roles for employment of aircraft and creating public approbation for drone operations. Safety, a critical element highlighted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), must be infused into training as well. These concepts are incorporated in DRONE Training, a method for creating sUAS education architecture. A3 Analysis provides a framework to ensure a comprehensive and holistic training regimen that remains relevant and ready for operations built on emerging aviation technology. This task is made less daunting when enlisting assistance from organizations positioned to help the first responder community. Together, these strategies forge a successful training program for continued sUAS operations.
You will be able to create a training program by:
• Determining Pre-Scripted Mission Sets,
• Researching Requirements,
• Obtaining Authorizations and Authorities
• Noting Areas of Increased Risk
• Evaluating Capabilities and Limitations
And, validate the training program through A3 Analysis, examining:
• Aviator
• Aircraft
• Airspace