2018 Prospanica Conference

A Plan Worth Funding: The One-Hour Business Plan (Room 103 AB)

12 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: Entrepreneurship

Studies show that Latinos are launching businesses at a higher rate than any other demographic, yet a majority of these early-stage startups obtain zero financing. The most daunting task for many entrepreneurs seeking funding is writing a business plan. Many entrepreneurs get stuck here because they haven't yet thought through the most critical component of their business - the business model. The good news: it only takes an hour to create your first one!

In this interactive workshop, you'll learn about the nine building blocks of a business model and outline your own using the handy-dandy one-page Business Model Canvas tool. A foundational aspect for securing financing is a business strategy that can withstand scrutiny, but first, you need to understand how your business will generate revenue and what essential resources and activities you'll need to get there. If you have an idea for a business or need to know which areas of your business strategy you should focus on, this workshop is for you.