NECA 2018 Safety Professionals Conference

Serious Injuries and Fatality Prevention, SIFs and PSIFs (Room NULU)

22 May 18
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Outside Electrical Construction

Injury and illness rates have steadily declined in a number of industries including construction and the electric utility industry. Despite this reduction, the rate of Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) has fluctuated. There has been little to no success in applying the same safety strategies to SIFs that decrease less severe injuries. And, individual company efforts to analyze SIF patterns and develop preventive measures is next to impossible due to the infrequency of these events. 
To address this issue safety professionals have started to look at SIF events across industries and expanded their review from actual SIFs (A-SIF) to events with potential for causing a SIF or P-SIFs. In addition, organizations such as the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) have engaged in focused studies of member A-SIF and P-SIF events in an effort to customize protocols for their respective industries. 
This session will provide a history of the paradigm shift in the safety industry to SIF analysis, describe the methodologies for defining SIF events and share lessons learned from early studies on SIFs. Recent studies by CII and EEI will be discussed. However, proprietary elements of the studies as well as confidential information will be withheld. Users will be directed to those organizations or other resources for material developed which may be available to the public.