PNEC 2019

Management of Physical and Digital Data in Argentina, in an Azure Environment #digitize #cloud #recordmanagement #casestudy #regulatory #machinelearning #collaboration

21 May 19
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Documents and Records Management

YPF S.A. (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales ; English: "Fiscal Oilfields") is a vertically integrated Argentine energy company, engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, and the transportation, refining, and marketing of gas and petroleum products. It is the biggest Oil Company in Argentina and one of the biggest in Latin America. It currently operates several areas in the country. Since its foundation in 1922, YPF has been accumulating huge amount of information in different formats (Well Logs, Well Folders, Reports, samples, seismic, etc.) and has part of this information in digital format in various repositories, while a big part of the information is still in physical format distributed in fourteen Data Warehouses in different locations in the Country. The main Data Warehouse is located in Avellaneda, in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Historically YPF has used a number of homemade solutions to manage the physical items and the digital files in separated systems. Due the increasing amount of users and potential loss of physical items, YPF need to get an integrated system to handle the data catalogs in one instance and also give access to the digital data for any user that requires it. YPF also had some additional requirements in order to get the most flexible platform. As part of this vision, YPF is moving to cloud based solutions that are cheaper, more flexible and can be managed as an OPEX instead of a CAPEX. YPF is adopting AI technologies in order to maximise the usability and exposure of all the data in their upstream operations. To fulfil this vision, YPF is adopting a cloud based platform using the latest trends in the world. With such a platform YPF will expose all the content and metadata for over 2 million documents to all their users, cutting any middleman in the process and making the data available to who needs it. This platform will also enable the company to geotag all the data that has any geographic location and will let users work either from a GIS system or from alphanumeric searches. Because the platform enables all the content of all the documents, any search will give an answer that covers 100% of all the data sitting in the platform.