F&B Florida 2018

Creating Menus for Bariatric Surgery Clients (Room W208 A)

07 Sep 18
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Health & Diet

Special diet menus like Gluten-Free and No MSG have helped restaurant patrons enjoy their eating out experience without the fear of food intolerance repercussions. Today, another group of consumers await the restaurant industry recognizing that portion sizes are out of control and if you want their business, a special menu option can bring them back into the social culinary experience.

Over 250,000 individuals have bariatric surgery annually which restricts the amount of food they can eat. Smaller portions could be provided. Why should a bariatric surgery individual have to take 90% of their meal home for reheating the rest of the week? Many people do not “go home” right after a meal out so then food safety issues become a concern. Small portions are currently offered on “Children’s menus”. Why not feature an adult small portions menu at a reasonable cost?