F&B Florida 2018

How to Franchise Your Restaurant (Room W207 B)

06 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Operational Excellence

Any restaurant owner knows that opening a unit takes time, and that the number of restaurants an owner/operator can open at any one time is limited, even for the most sophisticated restaurant systems.


For restaurants with too little time, too little staff for too few capital resources for expansion, franchising can help solve these issues by having the franchisee do most of the heavy lifting.


This session will help determine if franchising is the best strategy based on a restaurant owner's personal goals and objectives.



The discussion will include a series of 12 predictive criteria that assess the readiness of a company for franchising: Credibility; Differentiation; Transferability; Adaptability; Refined and Successful Prototype Operations; Documented Systems; Affordability; Return on Investment; Market Trends and Conditions; Capital; Commitment to Relationships; and Strength of Management.


At the end of this session, three takeaways the audience can utilize immediately in their organization include:


1.       Overview and definition of franchising

2.       Why do restaurants franchise?

3.       Is your restaurant franchisable, and the proper steps to take