POWER-GEN Asia 2018

Evolutionary Development of Siemens SGT-800 - a Ground for Reliable Up-Grades (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

Product development in small steps (evolution) gives the advantage of fine-tuning the design based on available operating experience. Bigger leaps of the design (revolution) introduce a potential risk where undesired consequences such as reduced availability or performance are likely to appear. The Siemens Gas turbine SGT-800 has been on the market for 20 years. During these years a number of steps have been taken in order to further optimize the performance and the design. During this time extensive experience has been gained with approximately 7 million operating hours. But also material properties, software and computational models have developed significantly over these years, giving the opportunity for further calibrations of the design. When an up-dated design or a service schedule is released to the new sales market also older versions of the SGT-800 are considered. This is made by launching service products where the latest versions may be implemented on the existing fleet as well. One example is that the initial output was 43MW and throughout the years this has increased by some 35% and this has been made in six steps where each step is based on the previous experience and feed-back. This gives the existing customers the opportunity to select upgrades of output and/or efficiency when a planned inspection is performed. Other examples of improved design where evolutionary development have been performed are increased availability by stretching the standard time between overhauls or even a customized maintenance schedule which in some cases are doubling the time between overhauls. Or reduction of the NOx-emissions from an initial level of 25ppm down to single digit value by fine-tuned hardware and control system.