Under Pressure: an Update to Air Leakage Testing (Room Technical Knowhow Learning Center)

This session will provide an update on whole building air leakage code requirements, test results, lessons learned, and resources, ultimately building on the METALCON 2021 presentation, “Air leakage – The Test We All Must Pass, Will You?”

Changes are underway for energy standards and building codes, which will reduce air leakage limits and require testing to validate compliance. In most areas, whole-building air leakage testing is now an alternative compliance path; but many states will soon require on-site testing of new buildings to meet the code leakage limits.

To understand the impact of the changes, the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA), in collaboration with North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) and Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association (MBCEA) performed a testing project to see how well metal buildings comply with the new air leakage code requirements, and to determine what elements of metal buildings contribute to significant leakage. Join us as we share the test results and the lessons learned, which are being documented in best practices guides that will provide contractors the information to pass the test, the first time.


Learning Objectives

  • Determine whole building air leakage testing requirements for a project
  • Identify areas requiring attention during construction
  • Apply lessons learned/best practices to pass the air leakage test
  • Discover how to prepare a whole building air leakage test
  • Learn how to select a qualified testing firm for the whole building air leakage test to ensure proper testing


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