
Robert Kreiter

Robert Kreiter
Program Manager Storage & Integration of Renewable Energy

Robert Kreiter has a background in Chemistry and Catalysis (MSc from Utrecht University in 2000 and a PhD from Utrecht University in 2006) and has been working for ECN since 2005. He has been involved in technology development of membrane technology for industrial separation processes and innovation projects. Based on this experience he moved to a position as coordinator of a research program line within industrial energy efficiency. He currently works a program developer for ECN and is involved in the research programs on Wind Energy and Industrial Energy Efficiency. Next to that he is program manager of a research program on Storage & Integration of Renewable Energy. This program covers energy system studies, policy and business model development, process industry as flexibility provider, and utility scale energy storage. He has published over 25 scientific publications, 2 book chapters, and is inventor of 3 patents.

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