
Rard Rijcken

Rard Rijcken

Rard is a trained lawyer and international manager with some 18 years experience. A former lawyer at Clifford Chance and General Counsel and executive VP with Vattenfall/Nuon. Has a track record in establishing and reorganizing small and large organizations, stand-alone and as part of a transaction. Long term experience in the energy sector, both as a professional advisor as well executive. His strength is deal origination, broad set of transaction skills (legal, tax, HR), strong focus on human capital and large network, both national as well international. Initiated a clean tech venture capital fund for NUON next to a national revolving energy fund. He is also an investor and advisory board member of Vandebron and Progress Energy Services. Previous experience: • CEO United Energy Works N.V. • Executive VP Vattenfall / Nuon • Initiated clean tech venture capital fund • General Counsel N.V. Nuon • Lawyer Clifford Chance • Supervisory Board Member Yellow & Blue

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