
Marcelle Mettes

Marcelle Mettes
Director Innovation
Essent NV

Marcelle Mettes is heading Innovation at Essent and a member of the Innovation Leadership team within RWE. In this role she is responsible for the development of new solutions in the energy domain and beyond, which will help customers to run their household or company in a more sustainable way and to improve the quality of living and working. Marcelle works almost 5 years for Essent, first in Marketing as Manager Market Activation B2C and 2 years ago she moved into innovation by leading the Innovation Transformation program for Essent. Previously she worked in Marketing and Consulting at several high-tech companies as UPC, T-Mobile and Accenture. Marcelle mastered in Business Economics (Free University of Amsterdam) and in International Relations (University of Amsterdam), after graduating from Nyenrode University (BBA).

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