Sensors Expo 2015


Doug Wolfgram

Doug Wolfgram
Chief Technology Officer
CareSpanUSA, Inc.

Mr. Wolfgram is an innovation-driven technology leader with over 25 years architecting and building interactive products and systems. He has extensive experience in scalable databases, HIPAA-secure systems and socket-based communications. He pioneered the interactive communications industry with the development of the world’s first multimedia systems, PCPaint and GRASP. He created some of the industry’s first in-hospital training and EPSS systems for Beckman-Coulter and Toshiba Medical. More recently, he headed up the HealthTree project for LendingTree specializing in interactive communications, health-related content and clinical trails qualification. Mr. Wolfgram holds degrees in Engineering-physics and Mathematics from Oregon State University and in his spare time mentors start-ups on technology architectures. Visit the CareSpan website here:

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