HydroVision International 2015


Tetsuya Sumi

Tetsuya Sumi
Kyoto University

Tetsuya SUMI is a Professor at the Water Resources Research Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, JAPAN. He graduated Graduate course of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University in 1985. After that, he has good experiences to work for the Ministry of Construction, Japanese government, for 15 years and now his specialties are hydraulic engineering and dam engineering, with particular emphasis on the integrated sediment management for reservoir sustainability and improvement of river basin environment. He is contributing to several international associations and conferences such as ICOLD, IAHR, ISRS and ISE. He has contributed to ICOLD as a chairman of the scientific committee of the International Symposium at ICOLD Annual Meeting in Kyoto 2012 and currently a member of technical committee on reservoir sedimentation.

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