2016 Financial Management Conference


William Bill Musick

William Bill Musick

Bill possesses an uncommon blend of experience in hospice and advanced illness care, and expertise in strategy, compliance and board development. Bill has consulted with hospices across the country. He is an expert in feasibility analysis for the development of new community-based service lines, market analysis, strategic planning and project management of large-scale health care initiatives. He has a special interest in working with chief executives and boards of directors to achieve new levels of effectiveness in the governance of public benefit organizations. Bill writes and presents nationally, and was a Guest Lecturer for the University of Hawaii Graduate Nonprofit Management Program. He is certified by BoardSource as a Certified Governance Trainer, and is a contributing author to YOU and Your Nonprofit Board: Advice and Tips from the Field's Top Practitioners, Researchers, and Provocateurs, published by Charity Channel Press. Bill is a graduate of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the U.S. Air Force Academy. He completed additional graduate studies as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is a licensed consultant with the Standards for Excellence Institute, an organization that supports ethics, accountability and best practices among community benefit organizations, and is certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) and Healthcare Privacy Compliance (CHPC). He has served on the boards of St. Luke’s Hospital, Sutter VNA & Hospice Foundation, and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. He currently serves on the Ethics Advisory Council of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization; and as a member of the Home Care and Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC), where he has chaired its Innovations, Communications and Governance and Nominating Committees.

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