IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016


Joe Whitcher

Joe Whitcher
Chief Operating Officer
Oak Island Creative

Doing what you love…that must be reserved for the fortunate people right? I mean how many people can say on a daily basis they find themselves surrounded by incredibly talented people who are inspiring and full of passion, truly doing what they love to do? It makes ‘work’ not really work at all. Hi, I’m Joe Whitcher and I am fortunate enough to consider myself one of those people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying every day is a dream but pretty darn close. As COO of Oak Island Creative I help orchestrate a team who brings ideas and dreams to reality. It’s an adventure we embark on daily; breathing life and creativity into an idea, shaping and molding it until it’s ready to unveil. Architects or draftsmen of experience I like to say. Whether a small or large scale consumer event, it takes dedication and passion from many to bring it from concept to reality. Experience has helped me realize the event is not the end result of our efforts. Rather it’s the experience and memories that are created through the event that are truly the heart and soul of what we do and why we do it. There’s more in life than just the business end. What’s most important is being (or working to be) the best husband to my wife Alicia and the greatest daddy to our daughter Ellie. We call Florida home, which is pretty sweet in itself. Miles and miles of beaches and just the right temperature to have fun all year! Thanks for stopping in and taking the time to get to know a little bit about me. Maybe I’ll see you on the next adventure! - JW

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