2017 Annual Meeting &Exposition


Michael McGowan

Michael McGowan
Opera Care, LLC

Michael—As a former OASIS coordinator for CMS region IX, Michael worked on a project then called “pay for performance”, it has taken many years and changed names, but value-based diagnosis driven care is finally coming to home health. Because of the knowledge in data analytics he gained at CMS, Michael has spent the last 15 years consulting in the home health space. He teaches agencies to use data to manage patient care and increase OASIS accuracy – ensuring compliance with both COPs while ensuring patient’s receive the appropriate care. Agencies already using data to managing patient care in this manner have a huge advantage over those still using a clinician lead “seems right, feels right” model. Michael’s company, OperaCare is actively giving agencies the ability to thrive in PDGM buy automating and standardizing the QA process and enabling OASIS visit to RAP ready claims in 24 hours.

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