MGMA 2017 Annual Conference


Heidi Saliba

Heidi Saliba
Communications & Training Executive

Heidi Saliba is a communications and training executive. She handles employee orientation and training; publications and training related to cultural and linguistic competence; and scholarly and corporate communications. She is a Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE) and holds a Master of International Business (MIB) degree with a professional background in media and public communication, leadership and mentoring, staff training and talent development, scholarly and professional writing and editing, and research coordination. She has completed a Healthcare Risk Management course and is co-author on 48 scholarly publications and presentations. Since 2000 she has published and presented research on media and cultural topics in Canada, Germany, Egypt, and the US, and her cultural and linguistic competence training has been adopted as the standard, required training for all first-year students in The University of Florida's College of Medicine and College of Veterinary Medicine programs. In 2012 she was lead author on a successful contract proposal with the state of Florida worth $18 million over three years. Her training on informed consent in medical research, and the coaching and supervision of research assistants was adopted by UF’s human resources department for university-wide use as part of its series of compliance training videos. Her interests in practice management are related to advocacy for the patient experience, excellence in organizational governance, and measured attention to risk management.

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