HR Tech 2018


Diane Smith

Diane Smith
GR8 People

Diane Smith is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of gr8 People, the one-experience platform that empowers the full talent lifecycle for some of the world’s most innovative recruiting organizations. She has channeled her significant experience in starting and leading SaaS software companies into incredible growth for gr8 People – over 495% in 2017 alone. Her HR tech story began as one of two highly successful entrepreneurs who previously founded the applicant tracking system VirtualEdge Corporation (acquired by Automated Data Processing, Inc. in 2006). Her early career centered on Higher Education and Athletics. Diane held positions at Princeton and Towson Universities where she also coached the Division I Women's Basketball programs. No stranger to athletics herself, she was a 4-year All-American Field Hockey player, a two-time Broderick Cup nominee and a member of the Women's Olympic Field Hockey Teams.

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