SpaceCom 2018


Angelo Vallerani

Angelo Vallerani
Lombardia Aerospace Cluster

President of Lombardia Aerospace Cluster for the 2016-2018 three-year period Head of Business Development of OHB Italia, a Milan-based company operating in the Space Systems sector, in particular of satellites and scientific payloads belonging to the OHB Group, where Ing. Vallerani is a member of the Executive Committee Board Past Experience: Angelo Vallerani graduated in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. After his studies he worked for years in Space Systems Loral, the company of Palo Alto (California) specialized in the production of satellites and spacecraft: he was responsible for the development of the Globalstar Satellite Constellation project. Hence the transition into CGS – Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio (today OHB Italy), where he was also responsible for the "new initiatives". Member of the Lombardia Aerospace Cluster Board since 2013, he became President in June 2016.

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