AGA PDT 2018


Ann Fallon

Ann Fallon
Director of Accounting Operations
Department of Treasury

Received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from Glenville State College in 1993. Began my federal career with the Internal Revenue Service as an unpaid intern while still in college in 1992-1993. Upon graduation, I became a Bank Examiner for the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) 1993-1994, on the heels of the savings and loan crisis. I then moved to Parkersburg, West Virginia with the Bureau of the Public Debt/Fiscal Service in 1994. I have held many positions with the Bureau including accountant, staff accountant, team lead and manager of the Federal Investments Branch; Division Director for Summary Debt Accounting, Retail Security Services, and Agency Accounting within Fiscal Accounting.

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