AGA PDT 2018


Nicole Gasparri

Nicole Gasparri
Organizational Program Manager
City of Boca Raton

Nicole has been in municipal government for over 20, currently holding the position of the Organizational Program Manager for the City of Boca Raton, where she is the primary coordinator for the City of Boca Raton’s Emergency Operation Center (EOC) as well as the City of Boca Raton’s Leadership and development programs. Nicole has been involved with the pre, during and post Hurricane activities since 2004; having been the primary manager of the EOC since 2005. In that time, she has recovered over 30 million FEMA dollars for the City of Boca Raton. She was on the team that re-wrote the Hurricane Preparedness Guide for the City of Boca Raton making it a comprehensive guide; and subsequently re-designed the Hurricane Preparedness Outreach Program to include a comprehensive program for citizens. The program has been delivered over 30 times in the course of 3 years. Each month Nicole participates with Palm Beach County Emergency Management to remain apprised to the County’s direction, in a continued effort to ensure the safety and security of the Citizens of Boca Raton. Her expertise and practical knowledge has had her selected to participate on the municipal task force of Palm Beach County to ensure that the municipal voices is heard in county planning. In addition to Nicole’s emergency background, she has been delivering leadership and development programs; team building and coaching since 2005. She able to customize programs for individual groups large and small, suiting their needs. Nicole is a regular speaker at the Florida Government Finance Officers’ Conference, focusing her sessions on Effective Communication, Team Building, Leadership Development, and Employee Motivation. She is also an Adjunct Instructor for the John Scott Dailey Institute of Government where she teaches Effective Communication, Listening Skills, and Service with Principles.

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