NASS 2018 Annual Meeting


Martin Underwood, MD

Martin Underwood, MD

Stock Ownership: Clinvivo Ltd (8%); Consulting: Clinvivo Ltd (A); Board of Directors: Clinvivo Ltd (A); Research Support - Investigator Salary: UK National Institute for Health Research (G, Paid directly to institution/employer); Research Support - Staff and/or Materials: UK National Institute for Health research (G, Paid directly to institution/employer); Grants: Arthritis Research UK (E, Paid directly to institution/employer); Other: UK National Institute for Health Research (B, Paid directly to institution/employer), Serco Ltd (D, Paid directly to institution/employer); Other Office: UK National Institute of Health and Social Care Excellence (B, NICE Accreditation Advisory Committee Chair, Outside 12-Month Requirement).

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