2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Rebecca Sandidge

Rebecca Sandidge
Queers Makin'​ Beers

Rebecca Sandidge is a biologist and co-founder of Queers Makin’ Beers, a 900+ member homebrew club based in Berkeley, California. She is a volunteer surf instructor for Brown Girl Surf, data analyst, and recent graduate from the University of California, Berkeley, earning her PhD while researching ant communities in Indonesia. Rebecca has become a masterful brewer through her leadership role in Queers Makin’ Beers and collaboration with local Bay Area brewers and breweries such as Benoit Casper. She uses her background as a scientist and her experience as a community leader in facilitating the evolution of a beer culture with greater integration queer people, thought, and style believing the brewing community should be just a diverse as beer itself.

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