POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Frank Zimmermann

Frank Zimmermann
Authorized Director ILF Asia / Business Line Manager South East Asia for Renewable Energies / Senior Project Manager Photovoltaics
ILF Consulting Engineers (Asia) Ltd.

Frank Zimmermann is the Business Line Manager Renewable Energies for SE Asia in ILF Consulting Engineers (Asia) Ltd. ILF is globally positioned in the energy sector as an independent, privately owned engineering firm. Being a true insider of the photovoltaic industry since well over 25 years, Frank has been gathering technical and hands-on experience in planning and installation of grid-connected, off-grid PV and PV-hybrid solutions worldwide. He has a deep insight in wafer-based cell and module manufacturing and played a leading role in the technical set-up and project financing for a factory producing silicon thin-film micromorph solar modules based in Asia. As Export Manager for Wuxi Suntech Power Ltd in its early days, he was instrumental in building up the sales and marketing strategy based on module-quality, which finally led to the then most successful IPO in PV history (2005). Frank pioneered domestic storage systems for solar systems in Europe and is currently working in dedicated areas of several projects. Frank obtained his Diploma (Master´s Degree) as Electrical Engineer from the University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, holds a Master of Business Administration (USA), is Green Energy Finance Specialist and “Certified Expert for Photovoltaic Equipment” by TUV Rheinland, Cologne/Germany.

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