
Ibiere Seck

Ibiere Seck

Seck Law, P.C.

I was born and raised in Seattle, WA and my Pacific Northwest roots run deep. Growing up, I loved everything about Seattle except the rain. I spent my short but sunny summers jumping rope (Double Dutch) with my cousins in the driveway, lip-synching in the bathroom mirror and winning dance battles on my front porch. When not bossing my six brothers around, I read books (mostly literature). My favorite place to sit is in the sun. I prefer sitting on the grass than on chairs. I love blackberries and will eat them, unwashed, right off the vine without any shame. For years, my favorite musical group was Boyz II Men and I still get chills when I hear Whitney Houston’s voice. When not trying cases, I enjoy spending time with family, trying new foods, exploring Spotify, texting my tribe and reading. I look forward to serving as CAALA President in 2024.

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