F&B Florida 2018


Tomas Lares

Tomas Lares
Founder/CEO, Florida Abolitionist, Inc.
Co-Founder/Chairman, Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force, Inc.

Lares has 28 years of human services experience at the local, state and national level, managing and starting non-profit and public advocacy initiatives. In 2004 Lares became aware of the crime of human trafficking by then U.S. Senator Sam Brownback, KS. In 2005, he was instrumental in facilitating one of the first human trafficking seminars in Central, FL. where over 100+ individuals and stakeholders attended. In 2007 Lares cofounded the Orlando Rescue and Restore Coalition to network key stakeholders in the Greater Orlando region. In 2009 Lares initiated a newly formed non-profit called, Florida Abolitionist, Inc. an antihuman trafficking organization that networks, facilitates and creates preventative and restorative solutions to ending modern-day human slavery. Lares has been instrumental in creating a 24-hour Human Trafficking Hotline in Central FL and for advocating Orange County Government to fund a first of its kind adult female human trafficking crisis/short-term 24-hour faculty in the state of Florida. In January of 2009 Lares led the first Human Trafficking Awareness march in downtown Orlando and is preparing to celebrate the 11th Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Day this January 2019. In 2013 Lares cofounded the Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force, Inc. whose mission is to combat all aspects of human trafficking in the Greater Orlando area through collaboration and partnerships with key stakeholders. Recently, Lares has cofounded the Central Florida Alliance On Human Trafficking which includes 12 counties in Central FL working together to fight human trafficking through communication, collaboration and care coordination. Lares has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Bible, a minor in World Missions and has worked on graduate studies in the MSW program at the University of Central Florida.

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