Electrify Europe 2018


Jeremy Wright

Jeremy Wright
Compliance Manager Asset Strategy & Performance
UK Power Networks

Jeremy Wright BEng (Hons) MBA (Open) MIET MIAM MCIM is an award winning Electrical Engineer who works for UK Power Networks (UKPN) in London and is a member of both The Institute of Engineering and Technology The IET) and The Institute of Asset Management (The IAM). He has a passion for continued innovation within the electricity distribution network in the UK and has achieved recognition for his work both as an individual and from leading a team by both The IET and The IAM. Since 1984 Jeremy has undertaken a number of senior operational and non-operational roles. His current role is to ensure that assets installed on the UKPN electricity distribution networks are operated and compliant with current policy and procedures often engaging with stakeholders and regulatory bodies. The latest project Jeremy is pioneering within the UK is with Power Survey Corp. and the SVD-2000 contact voltage Mobile Asset Assessment Vehicle (MAAV). This platform has the potential to revolutionise how cables are managed and replaced ahead of failure which is not currently considered by network operators. This is one of many revolutionary systems that Jeremy is or has pioneered in his career to the benefit of both customers and network operators.

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