Electrify Europe 2018


Patrizia-Ilda Valentini

Patrizia-Ilda Valentini
Assistant Manager Communication
Renault Austria

Italian citizen, born in Vienna. Graduate form the University of Economics in Vienna, communication, crisis management, event expert and Integral Systemic Coach. Since 18 years working in the automobile industry at Renault, leader in e-mobility in Austria and Europe in 2017, and therefor focusing especially her work during the last seven years on e-mobility. Head of the working board for market take-off at the Austrian Mobile Power (www.austrianmobilepower.at) and member of the Federal Initiative of E-mobility in Austria (www.biem.at). “In order to make the climate turnaround and fulfil the Paris agreement goals of COP 21 it needs a jointly effort and goal-oriented engagement in the fields of communication, economics, finance, politics and social. E-Mobility will take a significant part in the energy transformation process necessary for climate change.”

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