NECA 2018 Safety Professionals Conference


Hugh Hoagland

Hugh Hoagland
Senior Managing Partner

Hugh Hoagland is among the world’s foremost experts on arc testing and electrical safety. He is the senior managing partner and co-founder of e-Hazard, a leading electrical safety training and consulting firm, and the founder of ArcWear, which does 90% of the world’s arc flash testing of protective apparel. As an R & D Director at NASCO, he helped invent arc rated raingear and arc flash face shield materials, and he holds several patents related to arc flash protection. Hugh serves on many international standards committees including NFPA, ASTM, IEEE, IEC, and has helped develop electrical and flash fire safety legislation and standards in the U.S., Europe and internationally. He has trained over 50,000 line-workers, managers and electricians at large electric users and electric utilities, and is a featured speaker at safety conferences. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Electrical Safety Committee and a Senior Member of IEEE, and has published more than sixty articles and papers on arc flash, electrical safety and PPE.

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