2018 Prospanica Conference


Guillermo Vazquez

Guillermo Vazquez
Senior Program Manager & HOLA Chair

Guillermo Vazquez is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. He is an accomplished technologist with a passion to build, support and manage large scale computer systems across the Xbox Live enterprise services; which delight millions of connected customers. Fully embracing Microsoft’s Cultural Transformation and a global champion for diversity & inclusion. Guillermo is the currently appointed Chair for HOLA, the Hispanic & Latinx Organization of Leaders in Action; an Employee Resource Group (ERG). It is with solidarity in process, best practices and impacting events that success is measured. Better together when partnering with other ERGs and/or other organizations across the company; because our differences empower us to achieve more. Leveraging Satya Nadella’s call to action to use Microsoft as the platform to achieve personal dreams and goals, HOLA members are fully encouraged to use this platform to grow their impact as individuals and community leaders. HOLA has a corporate, social and global responsibility to influence and inspire current & future generations of individuals who identify with the Hispanic/Latinx communities by increasing awareness of opportunities and showcasing value propositions. Having a seat on the table during the inception, creation and delivery of new products that resonate with Hispanic/Latinx markets and opportunities.

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