Euro Attractions Show 2018


Huub Lazarom

Huub Lazarom
Managing Director

Huub Lazarom is a married father of two boys, one still at home and the other working for Jora Vision after his ‘International Game Architecture & Design’ studies in Breda. Huub worked for over 25 years in the Casino business (government guided Holland Casino's as well as private) and studied Business Management in Rotterdam at the age of 40! A little less than ten years ago, he decided it was time for a change and got the opportunity to work for a just started (5 months open when he joined the team) educational attraction called CORPUS 'Journey Through the Human Body’ in Oegstgeest near Leiden. Huub’s team exists out of 35 colleagues on a fixed contract and, depending on the season, 60 to 80 flex colleagues (mostly students also from the Leiden area). CORPUS wants to share three key values with the visitors: lots of exercise, responsible nutrition and healthy living. The attractions does this by giving the visitor an experience on how special you are and by showing what a magnificent instrument your body is. Overall, the attraction wants to motivate people to take good care if themselves.

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