2018 The Landscape Show

AMP Lighting  

ShadowMaster™ & Coachman™ Path & Area Lights Win Product Innovation Awards

VOLT wins Product Innovation Award for ShadowMaster Light

VOLT® Lighting is the most prolific developer of new products in the landscape lighting industry. These products range from time-saving installation tools to cutting-edge landscape lighting fixtures. Products from this last group caught the attention of Architectural SSL Magazine and its prestigious Product Innovation Awards (PIA).

PIA judges evaluated and awarded two new VOLT lights, The Coachman™ and ShadowMaster™ LED Path & Area Lights. Architectural SSL (Solid-State Lighting), the awarding organization, honors the most innovative lights on the market. They also acknowledge leaders in the field working to advance the technology.

Alan Brynjolfsson, Founder and President of VOLT® Lighting, comments on the awards, “Receiving the Product Innovation Awards confirms that our development team is on the right track. They are a creative and talented group that work hard every day to make the new products our customers want.”

The first of the two awarded products, the patent-pending ShadowMaster™ Path & Area Light has several distinctive features. It stands 35 inches tall, nearly twice the height of typical residential path lights. It also has a distinct ornate style. Both the size and ornate appearance complement larger estates and commercial properties - especially those with wrought iron embellishments.

Even more impressive than its daytime appearance is what happens after the sun goes down. The ShadowMaster™ projects a pattern of light and shadow that covers an 16-foot area. The light displays the same filigree pattern as with the daytime appearance. So, even at night, the fixture complements the architectural style of the estate.

One PIA judge commented that the ShadowMaster™ is “a creative solution to designing an enjoyable/dynamic light pattern with shadow play.” Another judge said, “It’s not hard to love this product as it has an aesthetic presence both day and night.”

VOLT wins Product Innovation Award for Coachman Light

The second VOLT® product to win the PIA award, is the Coachman™ LED Path and Area Light. Brynjolfsson comments on the Coachman, “Coach lights are found outside nearly every home, and they all share the same problem - excessive brightness or glare. This was never an issue in pre-industrial days when these lights contained candles or gas flames. Later, with the advent of electric bulbs, coach lights became brighter and brighter to the point where they are painful to behold. Most people don’t realize that coach lights were once dim and easy-on-the-eyes - even romantic.”

“That’s why we set out to re-invent the coach light. To replace the bulb with a romantic candle. And, to provide an area light for safety and security - strategically positioned so it is glare-free and hidden from view. This is the solution that came from our talented and creative product development team. And, the solution that so impressed the judges.”

Like the ShadowMaster™, the Coachman™ has an impressive stature. Standing 62 inches tall, the life-like candle is at eye level. This LED candle, with its flickering flame, is the only one of its type - powered by a low voltage current and removable from its bi-pin socket.

PIA judges commented that the Coachman™ is “very innovative” and an “excellent invention”. They noted that “hiding the light source while offering a beautiful life-like candle is a leading edge, innovative approach.”

Receiving these two Product Innovation Awards would not have been possible without the company’s investment in their Innovations Lab, a state-of-the-art facility with CAD-driven 3-D prototype printing and an array of photometric test equipment. This lab is a beehive of activity with the product development team well on their way to introducing a host of new innovative products - many of which will (no doubt) be worthy of future awards.