FBNC 2019

BiON Research Skincare 

The Many Uses of BiON Mandelic Serum – Make Sure it’s on Your Shelf

The #1 Product For Treating Multiple Skin Conditions-BiON Mandelic Serum

The number of products kept on the Back bar of an efficient esthetician can be mind boggling.  Trying to purchase all of the newest products that take care of every client’s skin issues can also get expensive.  BiON has developed a new product that, amazingly, can be used to treat acne, mature skin and hyperpigmentation at an affordable price and can also be used for homecare.  

BiON Skincare’s Mandelic Serum 8% and 15%, contains mandelic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid that originates from bitter almonds.  The molecular structure of mandelic acid allows it to be used for sensitive skin, as it is a larger molecule than other AHA’s and, therefore, has a slower absorption rate.  This allows clients to experience less irritation and erythema.  According to a clinical trial by Dr. Mark Taylor on 1,100 patients over a 3 year period, and was reported in Cosmetic Dermatology , “ mandelic acid products have multiple beneficial effects as a skin treatment – including antibacterial effects, and improvement in photo-aged skin, acne, abnormal pigmentation and skin texture.”  

Acne Treatment:  The antibacterial properties of this product make it an important treatment for acne.  BiON Mandelic Serum can be used during an acne facial and then as a homecare product to help regulate sebum production and prevent recurrent outbreaks.  BiON has added azelaic acid and niacinamide to provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits plus lactic acid to encourage exfoliation.  It is alcohol free.  Mandelic acid has been found to be especially useful in treating adult female patients suffering from both acne and photo-aging.   

Mature Skin Treatment:  As our skin matures, the natural exfoliation slows down.  Starting at 30 years old, without some type of exfoliation, product absorption is compromised and the skin may appear dull with more pigmentation. Ridding the surface of the skin from dead cells not only contributes to the soft and velvety feel, but also brings back radiance and youthfulness. The appearance of wrinkles and fine lines are reduced by mandelic acid’s ability to strengthen collagen and increase cell turnover.  

Hyperpigmentation and Melasma:  Mandelic acid breaks up hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage, PIH and hormones.  Melasma has been shown to improve by up to 50% after only 30 days of treatment.  After 6 months of mandelic applications, almost complete clearing of melasma has been achieved. 

Peels:  The benefits of mandelic acid are significantly reduced if it is applied as a peel.  Regular daily application of leave on treatments will provide optimum cellular renewal. 

Skin of Color: Dr. Mark Taylor reported in Cosmetic Dermatology “It is noteworthy that a remarkable difference was seen in the treatment of darkly pigmented skin types. Improvement can be seen in fine wrinkles and lines in patients with Fitzpatrick skin types I through VI without any postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.  This includes Asian skin types, which have universally been able to use mandelic acid products without any postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.” 

BiON Research will also soon release a Mandelic 5% toner.  Please note that BiON’s 15% serum is available as a “professional only” treatment in Canada and Europe.