Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


REDW Announces the 2019 Tribal Compensation Surveys, to Include Government, Casinos and Enterprises

REDW LLC, the leading accounting and consulting firm serving Native American Tribes throughout the United States, is expanding its tribal compensation surveys in 2019 to include gaming and tribal enterprises.

The firm has successfully conducted the Tribal Government Compensation Survey for nine consecutive years in partnership with the National Native American Human Resources Association (NNAHRA).

REDW will now take ownership of the Indian Gaming Employee Compensation Survey, which was previously managed by the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA). “NIGA and REDW have a long history of supporting each other’s efforts in the area of tribal compensation surveys, and share a commitment to tribal economic success,” said Jason Giles, Executive Director of NIGA.

Both surveys gather key data from participating Tribes and their enterprises across the nation and use powerful filtering tools to generate useful reports that can contrast a Tribe’s compensation data against that of other, similar Tribes and enterprises. The combined surveys represent the only tribal compensation data in the country of this breadth and depth.

“This is one of the most meaningful tools that Tribes can use to remain competitive while attracting and retaining the best talent,” said Alicia Finley, Human Resources Consulting Manager at REDW. “The survey enables decision-making based on current and reliable data, and can save Tribes money in the long run.”

The more Tribes that participate in the surveys, the better the data. All the data entered into the surveys is accessible only by a participant’s representative, and data specific to any Tribe or enterprise is never displayed in the survey results. An annual subscription enables subscribers to have access to all the reported data, and includes complimentary data input services, an Annual Summary Report, and complimentary consulting time with REDW’s team of HR Consulting professionals.

For information on how to participate, please contact REDW at or (505) 998-3416 with questions.