NRA Annual Meeting 2016

Krudo Knives 

KRUDO Knives Moves Inside

After waiting for three years to get into the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits as an exhibitor, KRUDO Knives was invited to participate last year.  With only a few months notice of the availibility of space, KRUDO scrambled to get ready to hit the big time!  Fortunately, the weaher was great outside, since the booth was actually under the big, blue sky of Nashville, Tennesse.  The KRUDO crew had a fantastic time with all of the attendees who stopped by to buy or just say hi.

This year KRUDO looks forward to being inside and in the thick of the 2016 NRA Annual Meeting.  Designer, Louis Krudo, is the inventor of the patented SNAG Knife and SNAG Controller and the originator of K.U.T., or KRUDO Urban Tactics.

Louis' SNAG has been at the forefront of the company.  While SNAG will always remain in the KRUDO line up of innovative knife designs, the newcomers are definitely creating waves.  Three new folder designs are coming out this year; the DAO, the IOTA and the VINIX.  Each new knife has its own unique personality.

Stop by and check out the all of the KRUDO designs and meet Louis Krudo.  Be sure and ask him for a personal demo!