Fresh Summit 2017

North Shore 

The Living vs. Cut Herb difference

We’ve all been there, those days we struggle to wake up. It seems the coffee can’t come fast or strong enough. Then other days, we bound out of bed! With purpose and tenacity! Ready to seize the day!

Or those experiences that refresh each of your senses and expand, perhaps forever, your expectations of what’s possible. 

That’s living, my friends. It’s far better than the alternative.

And it’s with that same intention- to maximize nature’s purest intentions- that North Shore Greenhouses created a thriving business by offering only Living Herbs and Microgreens.

North Shore not only features a highly-sought-after potted line of culinary herbs, but the only Living Herbs in a clamshell package. Boasting triple the shelf-life over any cut herb and offering the consumer the chance to make every home cooked meal a special occasion.   

Thanks to an innovative and proprietary growing method developed by founder, Leo Overgaag, each plant is hand-harvested with its life-giving roots still attached! Then packaged in a carefully crafted clamshell retaining all of the flavor, freshness and fragrance Mother Nature intended.

And there’s good reason for all that. According to the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, an herb has 4-6 hours after harvest to be used before the healthy oils, enzymes and medicinal properties evaporate.

For this reason, North Shore Greenhouses dedicates their growing method to perfecting the “Living Herb”. The consumer is essentially the farmer harvesting the herb in their kitchen and reaping all the health benefits as well as the unparalleled flavor and freshness. And thanks to those life-giving roots, each plant offers 100% yield for consumers. North Shore fans are accustomed to using the tender, delicious stems rather than having to work around the dead, tough, woody stems of cut herbs.  

As though delivering an industry-leading culinary herb weren’t enough, North Shore’s Living Clamshell is a remarkable statement of innovation in and of itself. In simple terms, it’s a mini-greenhouse, keeping the plant healthy and vibrant, as it’s carefully delivered to the consumer via the nation’s most discerning retailers who search rigorously to procure the finest produce for their valued customers.

With consumers asking for more freshness, more authenticity, more yield from their produce, North Shore Living Herbs stands alone, atop the herb category.

Thanks to these revelations, North Shore Sales & Marketing is embarking on a complete company rebrand and Living is the centerpiece of their strategy. Keeping true to their roots, they’re educating consumers on the power of living authentically, enjoying nature’s finest creations and expecting more from their food.

And we can all expect a lot more from North Shore Living™ Herbs + Greens.