Fresh Summit 2017


California Citrus Giant Chooses LINKFRESH

VENTURA, CA, July 31, 2017LINKFRESH Inc., a leading provider of supply chain ERP solutions designed specifically for the fresh food industry, announced that CA based Citrus grower, Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association, has selected the LINKFRESH ERP software suite to manage its operations.

Based in Piru, CA, Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association has been packing, distributing and marketing oranges and lemons since 1897 under brands such as Belle of Piru and Mansion.

Talking about the project, Paul Travis, CFO for Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association, said, "After an extensive review and assessment of the potential ERP solutions for our business, we identified and selected LINKFRESH as they clearly demonstrated the best proven solution giving us the most complete functionality for our fresh produce business.”

Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association will deploy the LINKFRESH ERP software solution across its entire operations, providing a single, fully integrated solution to include Forecasting & Planning, Finance, Purchasing, Sales, Grading, and production.

 “We are delighted to welcome Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association as our newest LINKFRESH customer” said LINKFRESH Founding Director, Rob Frost. “The deployment of LINKFRESH will provide Fillmore-Piru Citrus Association with a complete operational platform to improve and standardize processes and procedures across all areas of their business from growing operations to packing and warehouse management through to grower returns, logistics and full financial management.”

For more details on LINKFRESH please visit