2016 SOFIC Conference & Exhibition - 6890

National Forensic Science Technology Center - NFSTC 

Answer the roll call!

Support our ROTC Cadet program
This summer, 12 ROTC Cadets from across the country will attend a rigorous, two-week, one-of-a-kind Biometrics and Forensic Internship at our Largo headquarters. NFSTC has been committed to this program as it truly complements our work and because of this, we have provided this amazing opportunity at no charge to ROTC cadets or the Command since 2009.

This year, more than 80 Cadets applied for the coveted chance to learn skills, tools and techniques that will make them stronger leaders in our nation’s armed forces.

Alternate Light Source TrainingOnce again, we have launched a campaign to ask companies and individuals to support this program through sponsorship and donations. Your support shows your commitment to educating future Army leaders through a unique internship experience they do not receive in college and or basic ROTC training.

Learn more about giving opportunities at nfstc.causevox.com, or download information here:

  Support the 2016 NFSTC Cadet Internship

Custom corporate giving opportunities are also available.

NFSTC is proud to support our ROTC Cadets and science and STEM education, and we appreciate our sponsors. We are looking forward to meeting this year’s Cadets!

Follow along with the cadet class in July via NFSTC’s Facebook page.