NY NOW Summer 2017

Gibbs Smith 

New York Behind Closed Doors at NY NOW

New York Behind Closed Doors

Polly Devlin – photos by Annie Schlechter

Jacketless Hardcover | $35.00 | 9 x 12 | 224 pages | 200 photos

A visual and literary feast of great houses and apartments in New York.


This book looks at a cross-section of great living spaces created by New Yorkers. It’s about the art of architecture and the art of living in this seething city; the ambition and zest of New Yorkers for their surroundings; and the stories connected to them.

From the Tribeca loft that provides a live-work space for the high-flying architects of MPA to the glamor of Kenneth Lane’s Murray Hill apartment, from Susan Sheehan’s Arts and Crafts haven in Union Square to James Fenton’s fantasy palace in Harlem, from the ivory tower that is the Modulightor Building in Midtown Manhattan to ingenious and beautiful ways of living an eco-existence in Brooklyn, a wealth of design and decorating ideas are found in these private tours of New York’s fabulous homes and apartments, with insights into the owners and pithy commentary from the author.

Author/Illustrator Bio:

Polly Devlin is a writer and self-confessed “house addict.” She writes for the key British newspapers and magazines and Vogue among other periodicals. She is currently Adjunct Professor at Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, teaching creative non-fiction. Residence: New York Hometown: Ireland

Annie Schlechter is a native New Yorker who has been working as a photographer since 1998. Her clients include New York Magazine, T-Magazine, Veranda, Travel + Leisure, The World of Interiors, Marianna Kennedy, & the Pod Hotel Group among others. She has worked on numerous book projects with clients such as Jonathan Adler, Martha Stewart Living, and Real Simple.