NY NOW® Winter 2018


Saddlemans Trimmed Hides

Each of our trimmed line combines a hide of exceptional quality with a leather trim for a clean, contemporary look. More...

Saddlemans Pillows

Using the same outstanding leather and processes you’ll find on our hides, our pillows are a striking meld of fashion and nature. More...

Saddlemans Stenciled Cowhides

Our stenciled line of hides carries a zebra print for a striking and distinctive look. More...

Saddlemans Custom Rugs

Our rugs are assembled by hand using the same exceptional hides and processes you’ll find across our collections. They are made-to-order and availa... More...

Saddlemans Devore Cowhides

Devore hides are a stunning meld of hide and metal, created in a high heat fusion. The bond and beauty will last a lifetime. More...

Saddlemans Natural Cowhides

Every Natural Hide is hand-selected. Attention to detail ensure our products are consistently outstanding. With its distinctive color, shape, text... More...