Pizza & Pasta Northeast 2018


Free phone system and service for one year

One visitor to our booth will win free equipment and basic install plus one year of free service.  Total value over $4,000!
Just visit our booth and drop a card or let us scan your badge to enter.

This includes:

  • The Cellular backup router to protect phones, web orders and credit card processing when Internet fails ($510 value)
  • Six multi-line IP phones ($115 ea, total value $690)
  • Two Power over Ethernet switches (Total value $120)
  • Misc cables and connectors (value $50)
  • Installation (average value $400)
  • Setup/configuration/training (value $300)
  • 12 months of phone service and cellular backup Internet (Value $155 per month, plus tax averages $174 per month.  Total value $2,088)

Total value of this prize is $4,177.

More information at or call us at 866-511-5521

Our customers tend to see increased revenue from three factors:

  1. Start of call "upsell" or add on messages.  If you have three or four add on items such as salads, desert items, breadsticks etc you can save a message for each, and once every week or so log in and change which one is playing.  You will see a significant increase in requests for the item being mentioned, and when you switch to another item the previous one does not drop all the way back down - since you have so many repeat customers people hear different items over time.
  2. No busy signals...ever.  We always give you at least four more phone lines than you have physical phones.  So every phone could be busy and four or more people waiting.  The goal is that on the busiest hour of the busiest day of the year people still do not get busy signals.
  3. The system answering calls when they get delayed - after a caller has heard say four rings the system can answer with a custom or default message "Sorry for the delay - please stay on the line and we will be with you as soon as possible", then they hear your hold music and message loop (while the phones in the store keep ringing).
    The goal is that most of the week, for most calls, the caller hears the upsell message, one or two rings then get answered by a human...but Friday and Saturday evening when you are swamped, any calls that get delayed more than four rings are answered by the system.  This is far more professional than putting the customer you are speaking with on hold, picking a ringing line "Thanks you for calling please hold" and going back to the first caller.  

The average customer sees an increase of $350 to $750 increase in monthly revenue, depending on their volume and what features they choose to use.   Some customers are reporting even higher increases when using random start-of-call upsell messages.  If you are currently getting a lot of complaints about busy signals we can have an even larger impact.