Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show 2019

Fourpoints Bar 

More than just and energy bar; Fourpoints® protects the places you play!

For Immediate Release                                                                                                Contact:            Kevin Webber

(303) 589- 6848


More than just and energy bar; Fourpoints® protects the places you play!

The SLOW-BURN energy bar announces #WHEREVERYOUPLAY campaign to protect public lands.

Denver, Colorado (January 11, 2019) – Walk down the nutrition bar isle, it's crowded, colorful, confusing, and you're constantly doing it - looking for something that stands out, hungry for something different, and hoping for something better.  From its conception nearly 10 years ago by brothers Kevin and Patrick Webber, Fourpoints® has always been about “better.” Now, following a successful 2018 that saw the one-of-a-kind SLOW-BURN Energy Bar launch in REI, Safeway, Natural Grocers, and soon - King Soopers, Fourpoints® is now protecting public lands.

Fourpoints® is using its growing platform as an outdoor business for conservation efforts.  As a member of Colorado Outdoor Business Alliance they are showing that they are a brand that not only promotes outdoor recreation (and your ability to get the most out of your performance) but also protects those public lands you play on.

“We built our brand within the outdoor industry that we grew up in where we could better communicate the function of our product and our differentiation.” says Kevin Webber, Co-Founder.  “With all our recent growth we’ve started promoting the importance of keeping the places we play and hold dear to us in public hands because without those public lands and protected areas we won’t have an outdoor recreation industry.”

Fourpoints® pivoted their trademarked tagline, WHEREVER YOU PLAY®, which previously served as their company mantra, to that of a conservation campaign.  Using the #WHEREVERYOUPLAY they are challenging consumers and outdoor enthusiasts to not only get out there and enjoy the outdoors but to become advocates for their protection, long-term sustainability, and stewardship.

“We all have a responsibility through better environmental stewardship, outdoors ethos, community engagement, and activism to not just share on social media where we like to play but what we intend to do to preserve them.”

Fourpoints® has partnered with Conserve with Us, an online platform that helps companies and environmental non-profits work together to accelerate their impact and protect the outdoors. “Beginning in January when you visit our website not only can you purchase our bars, but you can connect with important public lands and conservation issues, donate to environmental nonprofits, make a difference in local communities, and take action by signing letters and petitions.”

At their first Outdoor Retailer Snow Show exhibition in January of 2018, Fourpoints® hosted a conservation happy hour collecting signatures for the arctic refuge.  Attendees included Colorado Senator Michael Bennett.  Most recently, they took to the airways on Denver’s 7 News to highlight the importance of reauthorizing the soon to expire Land and Water Conservation Fund.  At the Outdoor Retailer January 2019 Snow Show, they’ll be promoting The Continental Divide Recreation, Wilderness, and Camp Hale Legacy Act, and the San Juan Wilderness Act that will conserve key parts of the White River National Forest as wilderness, wildlife conservation areas and recreation management areas. The bill would also designate World War II's legendary Camp Hale as the country's first National Historic Landscape.

About Fourpoints

Say goodbye to sugar-spikes and crashes!  Born at 14,000 feet and made from 100%-real food, Colorado based Fourpoints® elevated the energy bar and made it better than it has to be so you can perform better when you need to!  Featured in the 2017 Backpacker Gear Guide for "Slow Burn Energy," Fourpoints® crafts its bars around a unique base of RAW superfoods like dried plums, figs, cashews, almonds, hemp seed, flax seed and whey protein isolate with absolutely NO added sugars, NO additives, NO preservatives, NO vague “natural flavors”, or anything artificial. Just real food! This is the energy bar made the way nature intended.  Fourpoints® bars are available in 6 unique flavors.  With playful, home grown names like Powder Day PB & J Backcountry Banana Bread, and Trailhead Gingerbread, each bar is rich in heart healthy fats, high in fiber, and offer 10 plus grams of protein. Good for energy before, during, or post-activity, or just as a healthy snack to get you by for a few hours.  (MSRP: $3.00/bar).

For more information, please visit www.fourpointsbar.com, www.facebook.com/FourpointsBar/, https://www.instagram.com/fourpointsbar/

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