Trafag AG 

Booth 3232

Charlotte, NC  
      United States

SF6 Gas Density Monitoring for CB/GIS

The Swiss based TRAFAG stands for its precise, reliable and maintenance free instruments designed for monitoring of SF6 and other gases for HV/MV switchgear.

Unique technology based on quartz tuning fork (electronic Gas Density Sensor) and reference gas comparison (mechanical Gas Density Monitor). Outstanding accuracy and widest temperature range on the market.

The all-in-one Hybrid Gas Density Monitor combines mechanical monitor with electronic sensor; single pressure port and analogue or RS485/Modbus output for SF6 trending systems.

Product Categories

Metering/ Monitoring / Measurement Equipment
- Instruments
- Metering Equipment

System Reliability / Capacity / Management
- Controls

System/Equipment Protection
- Indicators/Detectors