RSI/CMA 2016 Rail Exp & Technical Conference

Norbar Torque Tools, Inc. 

Booth 407

Willoughby, OH  
      United States

Norbar Torque Tools is a global provider of a full line of torque tools & products, with factory offices on 4 continents, distributors in 100+ countries, & customers in over 150 countries.

Norbar offers the following;

  • Factory service, sales & accredited calibration on 4 continents.

  • Full engineering capabilities.

  • Torque tools that range up to 220,000 lb-ft.

  • Electric torque multipliers with ranges up to 4500 lb-ft. Torque-only, and torque + angle operation.

  • A full line of torque testers & calibration equipment.

  • Rugged products with a reputation for durability, repeatability, & accuracy.

  • High precision torque systems unmatched anywhere in the industry.

Norbar engineering has decades of experience solving your most demanding & difficult torque applications. Torque, or torque + angle systems can provide accuracy of 1%.

Norbar service prides itself on fast turn-around, & our fully stocked warehouse means we usually have exactly what you need.