2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Crawford Brewing Equipment 

Booth 6009

Rock Island, IL  
      United States

Crawford’s equipment provides micro-brewers with functional and aesthetically pleasing equipment MADE IN THE USA. Our systems tie directly into our company’s hallmarks: Quality, Service, and Innovation. Our customers know they can count on us to take care of everything – from concept to completion. Our engineers, designers, and highly skilled fabricators partner to form an effective and efficient process that is second to none.

Typical product offerings include: Stainless Steel Steam Fired Brewhouse, Steam Heated Mash Tun, Brew Kettles, Hot Liquor Tank, Brewing Platform, Keg Washer, Pumps, Valves, Heat Exchanger, Controls, Fermenters, and More! Crawford offers standard and customized systems made to order, including installation and technical support. Crawford’s team also provides start-up assistance, if needed, for the initial batches of brewing.

From design to completion, you can count on Crawford Brewing!

Product Categories

- Brewhouse Equipment
- Tanks / Vessels
- Turnkey Brewing Systems