2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 

Booth 11122

Chilton, WI  
      United States

THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN  CRAFT MALTSTER -- For more than 140 years, Briess has been a leader in the production of superior quality malt for beer. Today, Briess is a vertically integrated grain processor and the only malting company dedicated to producing base and specialty malts for American craft beer. To meet our quality standards, we control all aspects of our barley chain—from grower to brewer. Our growers are in premium US barley growing regions known for producing a diverse variety of highest quality barley. This year Briess adds to our portfolio a twist on a European-style malt with our Dark Munich Malt 30L. This new offering is a toasty malt bomb that is sure to drive an intense maltiness in your beers and is great for any style that is in need of amping up a malty note. This year we're also featuring our smooth Goldpils® Vienna Malt. This 3.5L is an exceptionally clean specialty base malt with a rich malty flavor and a hint of biscuity notes. Try 10-30% for developing warm, malty and biscuity flavors or up to 100% of the grist bill for your Vienna/O'fest/Marzen beer styles. 

Product Categories

- Adjuncts
- Flavorings / Colorings
- Malt / Specialty Malt
- Malt Extract
- Malt Silos
- Organic Ingredients