2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Booth 19073

Camarillo, CA  
      United States

Contamination from ineffective sanitation and biofilm residue on brewing equipment can lead to spoiled product or undesirable off-flavors and aromas. Hygiena’s EnSURE monitoring system and easy-to-use swab tests detect Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the energy molecule of all living organisms, including bacteria and residues troublesome to brewing operations. Ensuring brewing equipment and the brewery environment are clean and safe prevents product spoilage and improves overall quality. Hygiena’s products also help to verify that cleaning procedures, CIP systems, sanitation chemicals, and personnel are effectively removing contamination before production starts. With the EnSURE monitoring system, all test results are recorded with complimentary SureTrend software, which tracks and trends test results over time and generates automatic reports for management. 

Hygiena products are used in thousands of food and beverage processing facilities worldwide, including some of the world's leading breweries. Case studies and references are available by contacting Hygiena or visiting www.hygiena.com

Product Categories

- Cleaning / Sanitizing / CIP Systems
- Laboratory Analysis
- Laboratory Equipment & Supplies
- Quality Control Instrumentation