2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Booth 20028

Ellisville, MO  
      United States

CraftPOS is a point of sale system designed for the craft beer community by craft beer bar owners, brewers, and enthusiasts – we know what this industry needs. CraftPOS was built from the ground up specifically for the craft beer industry. Our software is a must have for your beer bar, brewery/tasting room, restaurant, or anywhere that serves craft beer!

Key features include:

  • Real time inventory management

    • What’s on tap/in inventory/left in a keg

  • Order fulfillment

    • Order the right beer based on your margins without guessing

    • Proprietary keg size/glass size/price combo to make decisions based on facts

    • Order history/sales trances based on products/price history

  • Intuitive user interface

    • Easy to use/allows bartender or sever to access all information available about product

    • Ability to filter products by specifics (ex: ABV, IBU, style, brewery)

  • Analytics to help provide future growth

    • Customer order trends/beer trends/when to tap certain styles

Product Categories

- Computer Software / Programming
- POP / POS / Printing Services
- POS Systems
- Software / Technology