2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Weyermann® Specialty Malting Company 

Booth 16065


The 135-year-old malt house of Weyermann® Specialty Malts is a protected historic site. But behind the red-brick turn-of-the-century exterior lies the modernized heart of the world´s leading manufacturer of specialty brewing malts. Presided over by Sabine Weyermann, a fourth-generation member of the founding family, and her husband, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, the company benefits as much from its roots in the past as it does from its modern malting practices.

Weyermann® offers the world’s largest malt portfolio, produced entirely in-house, and has become the leading malt supplier to the worldwide craft brew industry. We have been serving the American craft brew industry since 1994 and are now by far the largest supplier of European malt to the United States! Weyermann® Specialty Malts are also the freshest European malts available in the U.S. market, due to the high constant number of containers that are being shipped to the U.S. every day from Bamberg, Germany.

Product Categories

- Malt / Specialty Malt
- Malt Extract