2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Murphy & Son Ltd. 

Booth 16069

      United Kingdom

We offer high quality products which help control processes, minimise losses, maximise yields and to help run a more efficient brewery. 

The enzymes we supply include: amylases, proteases, glucanases, and Brewers Clarex, .

Our kettle finings are the  koppakleer and protafloc range, which are tabletted, granular or powder.

Our yeast nutrients are carefully formulated to provide nitrogen, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Available products are: Supavitz, Zinc Sulphate,Yeast vit.

PGA enhances foam stability of beer and improves head retention in beers.

Antifoam controls overfoaming at wort boiling and fermentation.

Isinglass finings improves filter runs, cuts down lagering time improves shelf life and produces brighter beer. The active ingredient is protein collagen  which reacts with suspended solids in beer. Positively charged isinglass attracts to the yeast cell walls. Available products are; Allkleer, Caskleer, Tankleer as liquids or paste plus the Magicol and powder range.

Product Categories

- Antioxidants
- Chillproofing Compounds / Stabilizers
- Consultants
- Consultants (Beer / Brewing)
- Enzymes
- Filter Aids / Media
- Finings / Irish Moss
- Haze Stabilizers
- Water Analysis / Treatment
- Yeast Supply